Pioneers player's guide

Dave Cole

Andy Heroff

Roland Clobus

Documentation in progress

This document can be freely redistributed according to the terms of the GNU General Public License.

Table of Contents

I. For players
1. The Pioneers user interface
The identity panel
The actions panel
The waiting prompt
The actions buttons
The robber prompt
The place robber prompt
The steal from prompt
The resources panel
The development cards panel
The player summary panel
The Pioneers map
The chat panel
The messages panel
The status bar
2. Playing Pioneers
Joining a Pioneers game
The connect dialog
Join public game
The Create a public game dialog
Join private game
Pioneers setup phase
Pioneers turn sequence
Dice roll / resource collection
Discarding resources
Moving the robber
Trading with the bank
Trading with other players
Submitting trade quotes
Development cards
The monopoly development card
The year of plenty development card
Largest army award
Longest road
Game objective
The game over dialog
3. Frequently asked questions
II. For game masters
4. The Computer Player
5. Configuration
Server admin interface protocol

List of Figures

1.1. The client user interface
1.2. The identity panel
1.3. The actions buttons
1.4. The discard list
1.5. The place robber prompt
1.6. The steal from prompt
1.7. The resources panel
1.8. The development cards panel
1.9. The player summary panel
1.10. The Pioneers map
1.11. The chat panel
1.12. The messages panel
1.13. The status bar
2.1. The connect dialog
2.2. The Join a public game dialog
2.3. The Create a public game dialog
2.4. The Join a private game dialog
2.5. The discard dialog
2.6. The trade interface
2.7. The quote interface
2.8. The monopoly dialog
2.9. The year of plenty dialog
2.10. The legend dialog
2.11. The game over dialog

List of Tables

1.1. Action panel buttons
1.2. Pioneers terrain types
1.3. Chat Commands
2.1. Trade resource controls
2.2. Quote resource controls
2.3. Development cards
4.1. pioneersai command line options
5.1. pioneers command line options
5.2. Settings file ~/.config/pioneers
5.3. pioneers environment
5.4. pioneers-server-console command line
5.5. pioneers-server-console environment
5.6. Admin interface commands