Chapter 5. Configuration

Table of Contents

Server admin interface protocol

This chapter is included for the people who wish to control exactly the way Pioneers is running.

The extra configuration options are processed in this order:

  1. Command line

  2. Settings file

  3. Environment

  4. Built-in settings


The client is controlled by the command line, the environment and the settings file.

Table 5.1. pioneers command line options

-s--serverHostname of the server
-p--portPort of the server
-n--namePlayer name
 --languageOverride the language as set in the environment. Valid choices: de en es fr hu it nl sv

When both the server and port are set, the client will not display the connect dialog, but will directly connect to this port. When the connection is closed (because the game is over, or the connection fails), the client quits.

Server and port need both to be set, or not at all.

Table 5.2. Settings file ~/.config/pioneers

connectserverstringLast used server for private game
connectportstringLast used port for private game
connectmeta-serverstringAddress of the meta server
connectnamestringLast used player name
favoritesserver%dnamestringHistory entry of private server games
favoritesserver%dportstringHistory entry of private server games
settingscolor_chatbooleanDisplay chat messages in user's color
settingscolor_messagesbooleanDisplay colors in the message log
settingscolor_summarybooleanUse colors in the summary
settingstoolbar_show_acceleratorsbooleanShow the keyboard accelerators in the toolbar
settingsshow_toolbarbooleanShow the toolbar
settingslegend_pagebooleanDisplay the legend page beside the map
settingsthemestringThe theme

Table 5.3. pioneers environment

PIONEERS_META_SERVERThe host name of the meta server

When the host name is not provided in the client, this environment variable will be used. If it is not set, the default ( will be used.