Chapter 3. Frequently asked questions

Playing games

Q: Where can I find games?
Q: But there hardly are any games present?
Q: I've seen a game at the metaserver, but I cannot join?
Q: I get the error: Error connecting to host 'AA.BB.CC.DD': Connection refused, what now?
Q: The button 'New remote game' is always disabled. Why?
Q: How can I play against the computer players, without starting a server?

Where can I find games?


You can find games at the metaserver (


But there hardly are any games present?


Perhaps people don't register their games (it is optional), or use their own metaservers.


I've seen a game at the metaserver, but I cannot join?


Is the Host something like 'localhost' or without dots? In that case someone did register the game, but it is not accessible from the outside of the intranet that hosts the game.


I get the error: “Error connecting to host 'AA.BB.CC.DD': Connection refused”, what now?


The person hosting the game has incorrectly configured his firewall. See also 'Creating games'.


The button 'New remote game' is always disabled. Why?


The metaserver at acts only as a point where games can register. It has been configured not to create new games.


How can I play against the computer players, without starting a server?


You can play games at an alternative metaserver “”. It has a limited number of games that can be started. New remote game is available on this metaserver.

The Lobby

Q: Why is nobody responding?
Q: This game will never start. How can I play?

Why is nobody responding?


If you enter the lobby, and see several squares in the icon before the name of a player, it means that that player is disconnected.


Perhaps they are playing another game, and don't monitor the Lobby.


This game will never start. How can I play?


One person has to create a new game. If it is set up, you can leave the lobby, and join that game (Game-> Leave game).

Creating games

Q: How do I do create new games?
Q: What exactly does 'Reported hostname' do?
Q: How do I configure my router?
Q: What if I only want to play against the computer players?
Q: What if I only want to play games inside my own intranet?

How do I do create new games?


Start pioneers-server-gtk. In the Server Parameters:

  • Choose a Server Port that is publicly accessible (create a hole in your firewall if needed)

  • Set Register Server to 'yes', so other people can find the game

  • Leave Meta Server empty, or use ''

  • Reported hostname can be left empty

  • Select a game of your liking, and click on Start Server


What exactly does 'Reported hostname' do?


It overrides the hostname that is automatically detected by the metaserver.

Only in special cases do you need to enter something:

  • You have an extra DNS name, and would like to show that name instead of your normal DNS name.

  • You run a private, publicly accessible metaserver, and start a game from inside your local network.

In all other cases, you are advised to keep it empty.


How do I configure my router?


Henner Keßler wrote a small HOWTO describing a possible way to configure your router, using dyndns.


What if I only want to play against the computer players?


Start pioneers-server-gtk, and set Register Server to 'no', and add as many computer players as needed. In the client, choose 'Join private game', the host is 'localhost', and use the port you have selected in the server.


You can play games at an alternative metaserver “”. It has a limited number of games that can be started.


What if I only want to play games inside my own intranet?


Do not register your game at the metaserver, and choose 'Join private game' on each computer that joins the game. Use the ip address of the server, and the port you have selected in the server.